Velosurance bicycle insurance

Velosurance is a national insurance agency founded by two cyclists in response to the insurance needs of bicycle riders nationwide. We partnered with an A.M.Best “A” rated, US insurance company to provide a multi-risk policy offering protection to all types of cyclists.

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500 NE Spanish River Blvd Suite 103C
Boca Raton, FL 33431
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Cycling is not only a great way to stay fit and explore local surroundings, but for many, it also serves as a gateway to a vibrant community where meaningful connections with like-minded individuals are forged. Research has shown that meaningful friendships can significantly enhance overall well-being, with even a single conversation with a friend proven to boost daily well-being and happiness. When we share a passion for cycling with others, we discover a common ground that can cultivate some of our closest friendships.

friends on bicycles

Why do I need to make friends as an adult?

Cultivating meaningful friendships becomes increasingly important as we navigate through adulthood. Research indicates that sound friendships beyond our families enhance not only our physical and mental health but also contribute to longevity and happiness. While we need a variety of healthy relationships, our friendships are what bring us a sense of belonging and self-fulfillment. Unfortunately, as we grow older, making new friends can become more difficult. We find ourselves with more responsibilities, often assume that everyone around us already has an established circle of friends, and have fewer opportunities to meet new people in general.

Why should I look for friends within my local cycling community?

The cycling community is a melting pot of individuals from diverse backgrounds, each with their own stories and perspectives. Whether you're a beginner or an elite rider, a teenager or a senior, the shared passion for cycling brings people together, forging connections that transcend age, gender, political affiliations, and social classes. Active participation in the local cycling community creates a solid foundation for authentic friendships.

Riding with friends is undeniably more appealing than going solo. The challenge of motivating oneself for a solo ride is often daunting, but the prospect of meeting up with friends adds excitement and anticipation. Cycling alongside your buddies injects every ride with contagious energy, making it far more fulfilling and exhilarating than riding alone. Additionally, group rides offer an excellent opportunity to explore new routes and trails, especially if you're unfamiliar with the area. Joining experienced riders minimizes the risk of getting lost and unveils hidden scenic paths known only to a select few

group ride

Engaging in group rides also facilitates learning and skill development. While riding alongside seasoned riders may seem intimidating, many athletes relish the chance to share their expertise with eager learners. Mentor-mentee relationships often emerge, providing invaluable guidance to enhance your riding skills.

Cycling not only benefits physical health but also has a profound impact on mental well-being. As social beings, we crave human interaction; riding with companions fulfills this need by fostering connection and a sense of community. Group rides create a supportive environment where friendships flourish, and a strong camaraderie is cultivated, offering a sense of belonging. Moreover, outdoor cycling exposes you to the mental benefits of fresh air and the rejuvenating effects of green spaces and natural landscapes. The combination of physical activity and the therapeutic elements of nature enhances overall well-being.

What are ways I can get involved in the cycling community?

Getting involved in the cycling community not only enhances your riding experiences but also opens up a world of opportunities to discover new trails and routes and improves your riding skills, all while establishing lasting connections and improving your overall mental health, and a strong sense of community. If you're unsure where to begin, especially in an area where cycling is a prominent lifestyle, consider the following avenues:

Join local cycling clubs and groups

Joining a local cycling club or riding group presents a fantastic opportunity to connect with fellow enthusiasts who share the same passion for riding. These communities cultivate an inclusive and supportive environment, embracing individuals of all ages and riding abilities, providing a platform to learn new skills and explore undiscovered routes together. Cycling clubs focus on the social and community aspects of cycling, warmly welcoming everyone, while riding groups cater to a more fitness-oriented approach, admitting members who can keep up with the group's pace. Whether you seek camaraderie, adventure, or a chance to improve your cycling performance, these communities offer a fulfilling and enriching experience that goes beyond the mere joy of riding.

local cycling club

Engage with online communities and social media platforms

Overcome a jam packed schedule or any apprehension you may have about trying new things by using technology to connect with other cyclists. Online communities and social media platforms offer convenient ways to explore your options. Join forums dedicated to cycling or connect with other cyclists on platforms like Strava, MapMyRide, Facebook, and Reddit. These digital spaces provide opportunities to participate in virtual and real-life biking events, gather information, and engage with a wider cycling community.

Go back to the basics with bike shops

Beyond being places to purchase equipment, bike shops serve as dynamic environments where cyclists of all disciplines gather. Engage with fellow riders, discuss different cycling disciplines, and perhaps even find riding companions. Many bike shops organize group rides, workshops, and clinics, making them valuable hubs for networking with fellow cyclists and accessing expert advice.

Get involved with cycling events and charity rides

Get involved with cycling events and charity rides to immerse yourself even deeper in the cycling community and make a meaningful difference. While some events are organized for profit, there's an abundance of opportunities to participate in rides that support charitable causes close to your heart. Whether you choose to ride, volunteer, or simply attend as a spectator, these events offer a chance to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for cycling and a desire to make a positive impact. Volunteering plays a vital role in ensuring the success of these events, and by offering your time and support, you contribute to the greater good of the community. Additionally, being there as a cheering crowd to support your loved ones who are riding creates an electric atmosphere, adding to the excitement and camaraderie of the event. There's something truly special about the united spirit and sense of accomplishment as cyclists approach the finish line, greeted by the cheers and applause of the community.

Don’t dismiss spin class

Don't underestimate the benefits of a spin class as a gateway into cycling. If you're not ready for outdoor rides or prefer a structured setting, spin classes offer the same health benefits in a controlled environment. You'll build fitness, learn cycling techniques, and connect with like-minded participants. Many serious cyclists attend spin classes, using them for off-season training, and some even take on the role of instructor. Embrace the opportunity to start your cycling journey here, gaining confidence and skills to eventually venture outdoors with newfound passion. Whether in a spin class or on the open roads, both options offer incredible rewards and a chance to thrive in the cycling community.

spin class

What should I try first? Try a bit of everything!

A bike is a bike, right? Not quite! The world of bicycling offers a plethora of exciting avenues to explore, and if you have the opportunity, it’s worth trying out various disciplines that spark your interest. While all bikes may be similar, the riding experiences can differ significantly from one type of cycling to the next.

Road riding

The most accessible of cycling disciplines since roads are widely accessible for most. While road biking is thrilling, it attracts a focused and disciplined group of folks. Road rides are most commonly scheduled during early morning hours when everyone is still sleeping, but there are still plenty of cyclists who ride after work. Weekend rides are also very popular, they tend to be longer, attract more people and usually end at a coffee shop for post-ride socialization.

Gravel grinding

Graver riders tend to travel in smaller groups of around five to ten riders, offering a more intimate riding experience. Gravel bikes are specially designed for traversing unpaved surfaces, and are typically ridden away from busy roads. While the physical demands and level of concentration required are similar to road biking, the atmosphere of gravel riding is more relaxed and laid back. Gravel biking takes you for adventures along dirt paths, gravel trails, and picturesque country roads, offering a refreshing escape from the daily grind and a chance to be fully immersed in nature’s beauty. Whether it’s exploring winding forest trails or admiring the scenic countryside, you’re in for an unforgettable experience when you head out on a gravel bike.

Mountain biking

Mountain biking is an exhilarating sport that attracts a diverse and passionate group of riders. What sets this group of riders apart is their laid back attitude, focus on fun, and need for adrenaline rushes. Mountain biking is all about thrilling adventures, exploration, and pushing your limits. This sense of adventure is often shared within the mountain biking community, and riders are often eager to explore new trails and destinations. Many mountain bikers have a deep appreciation for the natural environment and jump at the opportunity to explore and enjoy the outdoors while actively promoting conservation efforts and trail stewardship.

Mountain biking

Velodrome cycling

Velodrome cycling is a specialized discipline not available everywhere, but for those who have one nearby, it’s a must-try. This kind of riding requires a track bike and racing mentality. Cyclists must undergo specialized training (clinics) and practice before participating in events. Velodrome events usually take place in the evening and nighttime hours.

Velodrome cycling


Cycling doesn't always have to be intense; leisurely cruising can be equally enjoyable. Taking a relaxed ride through your neighborhood, nearby beach, or favorite park can be a rejuvenating experience for both the body and mind. Common bikes used for leisurely purposes include city bikes, hybrids, cruisers, recumbents, and tricycles.


E-biking is an excellent option for those seeking the benefits of bicycling with the stability and boost of energy from an electric motor. It helps level the playing field for riders who may need assistance to keep up. Whatever your cycling discipline of choice, there’s an electric version of your favorite bike. It’s important to be considerate and ask before joining a group ride with an e-bike, as some cyclists may prefer not having e-bikes in their group.

Be mindful of road rules and riding etiquette

As you immerse yourself in the vibrant cycling community, it's imperative that you are mindful of the road rules and riding etiquette that are essential for a safe and enjoyable experience for yourself and those around you. While these communities are known for their inclusivity and openness to all, understanding and following the expected code of conduct is crucial. Failure to do so may result in individuals being kindly asked to leave the riding group. Familiarizing yourself with proper riding etiquette, especially if you are new to riding, can help you avoid awkward or embarrassing situations at best and dangerous ones at worst.

group of cyclists

Be friendly and approachable

When joining a cycling club or group ride, it’s important that you bring a friendly attitude. No one likes a grouch, so when joining a club or group ride, make an effort to be approachable and welcoming. A simple wave, nod, or verbal greeting can clearly convey your desire to be a part of the group. Remember - how you treat others speaks volumes about who you are as a person. Show gratitude to patient motorists and be patient with pedestrians and fellow cyclists. A considerate attitude reflects positively on your character and fosters a welcoming environment.

Be safe

While keeping up with others is often a concern for less experienced cyclists in a group, it’s important to recognize that it requires knowledge of road rules, riding etiquette, and effective communication with fellow cyclists. Understanding key maneuvers for emergency situations and being able to execute these maneuvers is a required skill before joining any group ride. It’s crucial that you are aware of how to navigate bike lanes, interpret road markings, and use handle signals. Familiarize yourself with key words and phrases used to communicate with others during the ride. Conduct a quick inspection on your bike and accessories to ensure everything is in proper working order before heading out is also recommended before every ride. Practicing safe cycling methods and being proactive in maintaining your equipment is essential for the safety of yourself and the group. Remember—prioritizing safety should never be compromised.

Be encouraging

Encouragement and support play a significant role in building strong connections within the cycling community and cannot be overstated. When we’re surrounded by others who inspire and uplift us, make us feel accepted as we are, and provide unwavering support, it fosters a profoundly positive and empowering atmosphere, enabling us to overcome personal obstacles and even set personal records. As a member of your local cycling community, you have the opportunity to contribute to this supportive, vibrant culture.

cyclist encouraging another cyclist

Be considerate

Consideration in the cycling community goes beyond mere friendliness and politeness; it entails knowing when to push yourself and when to hold back. As a newcomer to cycling, keeping up with the rest of the group may be challenging, but being dropped is much better than disrupting a ride or causing a crash. While more experienced riders might be tempted to showcase their skills to their new training partners, it's important to ride alongside your companions and wait for the right moment to demonstrate your abilities. Group rides are not intended to be races or competitions, unless specified by the ride leader. And though there will be times when it’s appropriate to break away from the group, it's crucial to understand that the primary goal is to ride together, support one another, and foster a sense of camaraderie, rather than focusing solely on individual performance.

Be prepared and helpful

Being prepared and helpful during group rides can make a significant difference in the overall experience for both you and your fellow cyclists. Mechanical breakdowns are inevitable, but with the right tools and knowledge, most issues can be swiftly resolved. Tire punctures, broken chains, and loose bolts are common occurrences that you can easily handle with a basic emergency kit. Carrying essentials like a spare tube, patches, a CO2 cartridge and inflator (or frame pump), a spare chain link, and a multi-tool is essential. Familiarize yourself with these tools beforehand, so you can confidently assist others without fumbling on the side of the road or trail. Moreover, lending a helping hand to fellow riders facing mechanical issues is a gesture of camaraderie and support. Offering a spare tube, tools, or fixing a slipped chain can save precious time and keep the ride running smoothly. Your preparedness and willingness to assist will be greatly appreciated, creating a more enjoyable and unified cycling experience for everyone involved.


While some people are social by nature and find it easy to interact with others, many of us, especially as newcomers to a group or after a period of isolation, may feel uncomfortable or awkward. Fears of standing out or not fitting in can impede our ability to make meaningful connections. However, there’s no need to fear! Making friends—especially within the bike community—doesn’t have to be stressful. With a few simple strategies, you can boost your confidence, overcome social barriers, and foster authentic friendships with people who share your passion for cycling and enrich your life, both in and out of the saddle.

Stop worrying about your first group ride

The idea of just showing up for a group ride (or any other event) when you don’t know anyone can be terrifying, so the idea of striking up a conversation in such a scenario can be paralyzing for some. The fear of being unable to keep up with the group’s pace is often enough to keep highly capable cyclists at bay, a group ride is not a race, so come on out anyway! Remind yourself that you are with like-minded individuals with similar experiences; every single one of them have had the same concerns and fears at one point. Also remember that there are some riders who would be glad to keep a slower pace or even wait for you at the top of a climb. If you’re still not sure you can handle the ride, contact the club and inquire. There are also plenty of beginner rides, if that’s more appropriate.

group escape ride

Be consistent

Consistency is key in building meaningful connections with anyone, including members of your local cycling community. By being consistent with your riding routines and making cycling a regular part of your life, you not only ensure physical activity but also increase the likelihood of encountering the same individuals with frequency and the chances that a friendship will flourish. When others see your passion and commitment to cycling, they are more likely to see you as a reliable and trustworthy training partner.

Allow yourself to be vulnerable

When we feel encouraged and supported, we are able to be vulnerable. Opening up can be a great way to quickly create a bond. If you’re nervous, say that. By being a little open and vulnerable, you allow the other person to help you or to share their own insecurities. One of the most bonding things in relationships is letting somebody else help you. Just keep it light and refrain from talking to strangers about the fight you had with your partner that morning. It may take practice, but it’s worth it.

Be brave

Part of allowing yourself to be vulnerable is allowing yourself to be brave. Feeling like a fish out of water is tough because we’re out of our element, but there are plenty of ways to ease that discomfort. The best way to meet people is to strike up a conversation with them. It’s usually easy to pick out the social butterflies of the group, so if you’re not entirely comfortable with leading a conversation, try riding next to those chatty butterflies. Remember that you all have something in common—cycling. Cycling can be a conversation starter: “Have you ridden with this group before? How long have you been riding with this group? Have you ridden this route before? Nice bike!” Riding next to the chattiest person can take a lot of the hard work out of making friends. Let extroverts adopt you and assimilate you into the group.

Appreciate acquaintances and best friends alike

The cycling community is composed of a broad range of people, from casual acquaintances to future best friends, but it takes time to develop a solid friendship, so don’t expect an “instant connection.” And as comfortable as you may feel around your riding buds, it’s best to avoid unloading the day’s stresses and drama on them—especially during your initial interactions. It’s better to save deeper, more personal conversations for moments when you’re not riding and once your friendship has had time to blossom.

Accept rejection with the same grace

In the process of making connections within the cycling community, you may encounter situations where you don't feel a perfect fit with a certain group or its members, or perhaps the overall vibe doesn't resonate with your energy. It's essential to remember not to take it personally. People have their unique personalities, struggles, and coping mechanisms. Some view cycling as a therapeutic outlet to handle stress, and everyone is going through their own journey. If you find that a particular group or individual isn't the right match for you, gracefully accept it and keep exploring until you discover the right fit. Remember, it's all part of the process, and being open to different experiences will eventually lead you to the connections that truly enrich your cycling journey.

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